
Official Name: The Republic of Yemen
Sovereign Status: Sovereign Country
Government Type: In Transition
Official Name (Local Language): Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah
ISO Country Codes: YE : YEM
Internet Domain: .ye
Government Web Site:
Capital: Sanaa Main Airports: Aden International Airport, Al Janad Airport, Hodeida International Airport, Sana'a International Airport
Language(s): Arabic Population: 30,984,689
Currency: Yemeni Rial ISO Currency Code: YER
Telephone Dial In: +967 ID Prefix: 00

Travel Guides:


Government Website:
Central Bank: Central Bank of Yemen
GDP: $73.63 billion (2017 est.)
GDP Pro Capita (PPP): $2,500 (2017 est.)
Currency & USD Exchange Rate: Yemeni Rial
Currency Code: YER
World Bank Classification: Low-Income Economy

GDP Composition:

Agriculture: 23.6% grain, fruits, vegetables, pulses, qat, coffee, cotton; dairy products, livestock (sheep, goats, cattle, camels), poultry; fish
Industry: 8.9% crude oil production and petroleum refining; small-scale production of cotton textiles, leather goods; food processing; handicrafts; aluminum products; cement; commercial ship repair; natural gas production
Services: 67.5%

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Factbook

Financial Exchanges:
No Exchange

National Statistics Office:

National Dataset(s):


Subject to Country Specific Sanctions? EU and OFAC

The World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Business Language(s): Arabic; English
Development Bank(s): The Yemen Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Islamic Development Bank;
Competitive Ind’l Performance: 140/141 (2019) Corruption Perceptions Index: 176/180 (2022 Rank)
Ease of Doing Business: N/A Enabling Trade Index: 134/136 (2016)
Global Trade Alert Search ITC's Lega Carta

Country Ratings:

Investment & Export Promotion More

Export Promotion Agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade ; Investment Agency: General Investment Authority ;

Regional Trade Agreements & Organisations:


Customs & Excise


Government Procurement


Law Associations & Firms

Yemen Bar Association

Logistics Companies
Tax Identification Codes


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British Chambers of Commerce Overseas No resources available

Joint-Venture Chambers of Commerce
Arab British Chamber of Commerce
The Arab-British Chamber of Commerce is a not-for profit membership organisation established in 1975 under the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for the Arab Countries. The Chamber has a unique function in the promotion of bilateral trade and investment between Britain and the Arab countries. To achieve this we work in close co-operation with government ministries, official trade and investment bodies, Arab diplomatic missions in London, the British Chambers of Commerce, the League of Arab States, leading Arab businesses and Chambers of Commerce in the Arab world.

British Representation Overseas No resources available